
Trump and Xi Could Meet to End Trade War

After a long and damaging series of trade disputes, the United States and China may be approaching a new long-term…


China Could End Forced Technology Transfers

China government has proposed a new law that would change current economic policy and meet one of President Trump’s key…

Federal Reserve

Will the Federal Reserve Slow Their Interest Rate Hikes?

Federal Reserve rate hikes have been controversial this year. Trump and many investors have felt that rate hikes in 2018…

Federal Reserve

Trump Hits Federal Reserve with New Round of Criticism

President Donald Trump has expressed his disappointment for the Federal Reserve yet again, saying in an interview on Monday that…

Jeff Sessions

Attorney General Jeff Sessions Retires from Office

Former Republican Senator Jeff Sessions is now the former U.S. Attorney General, after retiring from office on Wednesday. Sessions’ resignation…


Jobs and Wages Trending Upwards in October Data

The U.S. economy has gone through a period of unprecedented jobs growth in the last eight years. The unemployment rate…

Foreign Governments

Foreign Governments Considering Tech Taxes

Eight Foreign Governments of the world’s sixteen largest technology companies are American, and they derive a significant amount of their…

Trade Agreement

U.S. and Canada Reportedly Reach New Trade Agreement

According to the Wall Street Journal and other major news sources, the U.S. and Canada have finally reached new Trade…


September Rate Hike Could Cause Stock Market Volatility

The United States Federal Reserve is almost sure to implement a new interest rate hike later today. Many market analysts…