President Trump’s Supreme Court Pick Could be Perfect for Corporate America

supreme court

President Trump revealed his Supreme Court nomination to the public on Monday night. Judge Brett Kavanaugh, a Washington D.C. insider and current Judge of the United States Court of Appeals, will go through a senate vote for approval. Kavanaugh is a Washington insider with a long history in both politics and the courts and is arguably the most experienced and well-suited judge that President Trump could have nominated for the position.

For investors and anybody in business, the members of the supreme court can have profound importance. Rulings from the supreme court can reinterpret existing laws and have a direct impact on how businesses are operated throughout the nation.

If you’re an investor or even a business owner, then the potential appointment of Kavanaugh could work out well.

Brett Kavanaugh Could Join a Pro-Business Supreme Court

The United States Supreme Court has been leaning towards pro-business rulings in recent years. Throughout 2017 and 2018, the court ruled in favor of nine out of ten cases that included the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Even some of the liberal leaning justices have voted in favor of business in recent cases.

Brett Kavanaugh could be another potential ally to businesses if his history is anything to go by. Many of his most recent rulings have been pro-business, and Kavanaugh is known to oppose over-regulation by the federal government.

Kavanagh is also an opponent of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a government department that has been criticized as being unconstitutional. Many have questioned the way that this department operates, citing a lack of transparency and poor methodology used when working cases.

Kavanaugh’s opposition to the CFPB could mean further investigations and an eventual abolishment of the department. Such a move could be a huge boost to the financial sector, which would find itself in a less-regulated position.

Kavanaugh was also openly opposed to Net Neutrality, a government regulation that many consider to be detrimental to business competition in the telecommunications industry.

When nominating Kavanaugh, President Trump said that “Judge Kavanaugh has impeccable credentials, unsurpassed qualifications, and a proven commitment to equal justice under the law.”

Kavanaugh Still Needs Senate Confirmation

Lawmakers will still need to vote on Kavanaugh’s appointment, so nothing is confirmed yet. Democrats are likely to vote against his appointment, and the Republican majority can only afford to have one of their own votes against Kavanaugh.

Judge Kavanaugh will meet with key politicians in the coming days to gather support for the upcoming senatorial vote.


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